Sunday, September 11, 2011

Milestone Alert: Cal is mobile!

It's time to get the baby gates!

The last few weeks Cal has been "pre-crawling" - getting up on all fours, rocking, moving backwards, scootching on his tummy.  But now he is finally taking his first (slow) steps forward:

Cal Crawls!

Since he can also move from his tummy to all fours and back to a sitting position, Cal is also working on standing up.  He still needs to hold onto something while standing, but one thing is clear.  This kid really wants to walk.

Cal Stands!

Cal and Reyna's relationship has been markedly improving the last few weeks.  Cal is still fascinated with Reyna, and Reyna seems to finally accept that Cal is part of the family.  She has been very tolerant as he is now able to maneuver himself over to her when he touch a paw, pull an ear, grab a tag...
Let's be friends

Some other random pics: