Friday, April 27, 2012

Nom nom nom

Okay, so my posts have been spaced a little farther apart than I had hoped, but life somehow gets in the way.  I still have a bunch of catchup posts to do, but for now, here's a topic near and dear to my heart: Eating.

Most people probably know that Tim and I are fairly adventurous eaters.  We like to try new things and love all kinds of foods.  So while Cal started on the typical rice cereal and pureed fruits and vegetables, we quickly moved him to meats, fish and more exotic flavors.  Because of the prevalence of food allergies, there is a lot of conflicting information about when to introduce what foods so we decided to just ignore it all and hope for the best.  Cal is now off baby food (even though he still only has 6 teeth) and pretty much eats what we do.

He's had all the usual stuff - pasta, fruits and veggies, cheese, etc. but also has no problem eating things like fish (including shellfish), eggs, lamb, liver (mixed with other ground meat), spicy foods or nuts (when chopped and mixed in things like bread).  Overall he's a pretty good eater, though like most kids his age, Cal is a carb addict.  Rice, pasta, bread, potatoes, if it's a starch he is loving it.  He's totally obsessed with crackers, so the word (and its Chinese transalation, bing gan) is forbidden in our house.  We've also taken to keeping them hidden away at all times, because if he spots a box he won't rest until they're in his hands!

The only problem?  Mealtime is a mess!  Cal insists on feeding himself (and sometimes Reyna) which usually means food everywhere - on the floor, in the cracks of the highchair, in his lap, up his sleeve...  sometimes I go to change his diaper later and find crumbs inside!

So, without further ado, here are some pics of mealtime with Cal:

Eating Spaghetti

Eating Dumplings

It's so good I can't stand it!

The Cracker Obsession