Sunday, September 11, 2011

Milestone Alert: Cal is mobile!

It's time to get the baby gates!

The last few weeks Cal has been "pre-crawling" - getting up on all fours, rocking, moving backwards, scootching on his tummy.  But now he is finally taking his first (slow) steps forward:

Cal Crawls!

Since he can also move from his tummy to all fours and back to a sitting position, Cal is also working on standing up.  He still needs to hold onto something while standing, but one thing is clear.  This kid really wants to walk.

Cal Stands!

Cal and Reyna's relationship has been markedly improving the last few weeks.  Cal is still fascinated with Reyna, and Reyna seems to finally accept that Cal is part of the family.  She has been very tolerant as he is now able to maneuver himself over to her when he touch a paw, pull an ear, grab a tag...
Let's be friends

Some other random pics:

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Cal Update: 8/31/11

I know, it's been a really long time since the last post.  There's been so much going on lately, I haven't been able to get in front of the computer to update the blog.

Cal will be 8 months old this weekend!  Time really flies.  Our little guy is really not so little anymore, as he is now over 20 pounds.   Factor in food and his constant fidgeting, and he is a tough guy to hold onto for more than a few minutes.

He is eating solid food 3 meals a day now.  Since the prunes, Cal has had chicken, sweet potato, pears, peas, apples, green beans, pork, mixed grains (oatmeal), peaches and winter squash.  Fruits are still the clear favorite (he is CRAZY about applesauce), with sweet potatoes a close second.  

The biggest thing with Cal lately is he has started the early steps of crawling.  He gets on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth, and sometimes takes a step or two. 

Sheesh.  It's hard enough crawling without these big blanket obstacles in the way.
When he gets tired though, he resorts back to his normal form of locomotion, which is to scoot backwards on his tummy and spin around.  It's hilarious to watch!  He can also stand unassisted if he holds onto something:

Is there something I can help you with?
Since Cal can now sit well on his own, he's started to sit in shopping carts and in restaurant highchairs as well. 

Wow, have you seen these prices?  The baby store is a racket!

I want french fries.  NOW!
Mostly we're just enjoying our time together with Cal, in these final weeks while the weather is perfect for afternoon strolls, before I go back to work and we're still living with Nana and Poppy.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

House Update: Tiling and Interior Trim

Things continue to move along at the house.  Much of the interior trim is done and doors are in.

Here, the family room is trimmed out at the top.

 The French doors to the sunroom are in.

The beadboard in the sunroom is up (though it hasn't been painted yet)

Tiling has also begun.

Powder room

It's actually a mosaic!

Slate for mudroom

Master bath shower

Master bath (the tub will be where the bench is right now)
Closeup of mosaic (matches the shower)

Guest bath (brown is where the glass tile border will be)

Guest bath shower (will have matching border)
On Monday, landscaping will also begin on the backyard (the front yard will come later).  It's really interesting to see how the house is coming together.   We are eagerly awaiting the kitchen cabinets to be done, after which things will really start wrapping up and we can start thinking of a move-in date!

Happy 7 Month Birthday

This past Wednesday, Cal turned 7 months old.  He is now weighing in at about 19.5 lbs.  Cal is great at sitting up and can get up on his hands and knees momentarily with a little push on his feet.  He's a little shaky, but can stand on his own while he's holding onto something.  He is also babbling a lot, and starting to make more complex sounds.  We're all waiting for that first "mama" or "dada"!

Here are some random pics from the last week.

Daddy, let me explain to you how this remote works
Tim continues to take fashion cues from his son

Ding Dong.  It's dinner time!

Cal unleashes his inner piano prodigy

Beethoven again?  It's so yesterday.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Cal Update

What's new with Cal?  Well, for one he's got this sitting thing totally down.  He's able to balance really well, even on a softer surface like a bed, and catches himself when he starts tilting.

I don't know what the big deal is.  Sitting is easy.
 Cal is now very good at eating off a spoon and continues to try new foods every few days.  So far he's had (in this order) rice cereal, carrots, avocado, bananas and prunes.  Bananas have been the clear favorite.  We couldn't get it in his mouth fast enough, and he was banging the tray for more!  Cal is still Cal though, and loves to make a mess at mealtime.  Here he is after his lunch of prunes:

Get that camera away.  I don't want my fans to see me like this.
 We were actually doing relatively well until Cal decided to stick his hand in his mouth (before he swallowed what was in it), and then proceeded to smear his hand all over his face, the tray, his bib, even his leg.  That was a fun cleanup.

Cal clearly wants to be mobile.  He's very fidgety, and loves to bounce either in the exersaucer or his bouncy seat.

Cal isn't crawling yet, so when he's on the ground, he gets around by spinning on his tummy and pushing backwards.  Since this form of locomotion uses both hands, he's taken to carrying his toys in his mouth.

Most of the time Cal just wants to play, play, play.   He is all about getting his hands on anything and everything, and then it goes right into his mouth.

What do you think I should go for first?  Toy box or toolbox?
This toy box looks promising.

Wait, forget that.  I can get this one in my mouth!

Every man should have a remote.
Be sure you keep your hands off mine.

Our little baby is quickly becoming a little boy.