Sunday, August 7, 2011

Happy 7 Month Birthday

This past Wednesday, Cal turned 7 months old.  He is now weighing in at about 19.5 lbs.  Cal is great at sitting up and can get up on his hands and knees momentarily with a little push on his feet.  He's a little shaky, but can stand on his own while he's holding onto something.  He is also babbling a lot, and starting to make more complex sounds.  We're all waiting for that first "mama" or "dada"!

Here are some random pics from the last week.

Daddy, let me explain to you how this remote works
Tim continues to take fashion cues from his son

Ding Dong.  It's dinner time!

Cal unleashes his inner piano prodigy

Beethoven again?  It's so yesterday.

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