Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter!

Yesterday was Cal's first holiday.  We celebrated Easter with Nana, Poppy, Aunt Kate and Uncle Josh (and a bonus visit from Jackie Macchi).

Cal was dressed in his finest.  (It was a bit warm for a hat, but we had to at least take a picture with it on)

There were lots of goodies in his Easter basket:

He got to sit at the dinner table like a big boy and had an in-depth conversation with Poppy on golf clubs:

And is anxiously awaiting the day when he can actually eat some of the candy in his basket!

P.S.  Cal is still growing steadily - he just passed the 15 lb mark!


  1. OMG he is too cute! Sorry we missed his first easter. Looks like he made out like a bandit! :)

  2. Great Pics! I think you should dress up Tim in a matching outfit next Easter though...
