Monday, April 25, 2011

House Update: Foundation Walls

Despite all the rain, work on the house is still moving along quickly.  

The foundation for the new mudroom is almost done.  This was much deeper than we thought it would be, so sometime in the future, we may decide to open up a door to it from the basement and turn it into a storage area or wine cellar ;)

Inside of mudroom foundation
Outside view of mudroom foundation

The walls for the addition are coming along well.  You can see the new basement (the section with the ladder) and the old basement (on the other side of the studs).  A metal beam will be put in where the studs are to turn it into one large room which we hope to finish before Cal goes to college.  

This is a view from the old kitchen (just on the ther side of the tarp).  They have taken out most of the wall and just have some supports in since a metal beam will be going in here shortly as well.  Eventually, this will open into a newly expanded kitchen and new family room (the addition).

So far we have passed inspection well so we expect progress to continue at the same rate.  Now if only the April showers would hurry up and turn into May flowers!

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