Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Cal Update

What's new with Cal?  Well, for one he's got this sitting thing totally down.  He's able to balance really well, even on a softer surface like a bed, and catches himself when he starts tilting.

I don't know what the big deal is.  Sitting is easy.
 Cal is now very good at eating off a spoon and continues to try new foods every few days.  So far he's had (in this order) rice cereal, carrots, avocado, bananas and prunes.  Bananas have been the clear favorite.  We couldn't get it in his mouth fast enough, and he was banging the tray for more!  Cal is still Cal though, and loves to make a mess at mealtime.  Here he is after his lunch of prunes:

Get that camera away.  I don't want my fans to see me like this.
 We were actually doing relatively well until Cal decided to stick his hand in his mouth (before he swallowed what was in it), and then proceeded to smear his hand all over his face, the tray, his bib, even his leg.  That was a fun cleanup.

Cal clearly wants to be mobile.  He's very fidgety, and loves to bounce either in the exersaucer or his bouncy seat.

Cal isn't crawling yet, so when he's on the ground, he gets around by spinning on his tummy and pushing backwards.  Since this form of locomotion uses both hands, he's taken to carrying his toys in his mouth.

Most of the time Cal just wants to play, play, play.   He is all about getting his hands on anything and everything, and then it goes right into his mouth.

What do you think I should go for first?  Toy box or toolbox?
This toy box looks promising.

Wait, forget that.  I can get this one in my mouth!

Every man should have a remote.
Be sure you keep your hands off mine.

Our little baby is quickly becoming a little boy.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Milestone Alert: Cal is Sitting!

Cal just started sitting on his own!  For the last few weeks he's been able to "tripod" sit by leaning forward and putting his hands on the ground or by holding his feet.  But it's as if a light suddenly went off in his head and he just started sitting independently.

This has opened a whole new world for Cal as both hands are now free to play with toys.

And it's a good thing, because Cal is all about playing with toys now.

These are all my toys.  Mine mine mine.

Of course, the Exersaucer is still a major source of entertainment for Cal.


Cal has also been trying new solid foods every few days.  Besides the rice cereal, he has also had carrots and avocados, though he's still not sure what to make of it...

What's the big deal?  I got this eating thing down.
I'm a little suspicious that what I'm eating is not what you're eating
We'll continue to explore new foods.  I'm sure we're in for lots of interesting expressions!

Cal's Baptism

This past Saturday, Cal was baptised at the same church his parents were married at, Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Ridgewood, NJ.  He wore his father's christening gown from 30 years ago with this beautiful bib from Joe and Sheri (thank you!) that says "A baby so blessed. A promise so bright."

Is all this hoopla for me?

Yes, that is Cal's hand on the sign.  He was fascinated with it, and played with it (and by play I mean he kept ripping off the sign) enough that the deacon had to pause the service!

Here we are at the altar with his godparents, Uncle Joe and Aunt Beth.

Other than playing with the sign, Cal was on his best behavior and never cried, despite missing his morning nap, being anointed with oil twice and a very generous dousing at the baptismal font.

At the baptismal font
Candle lighting

Cal's "Lion King" moment after the baptism

 By the end, Cal was pooped and nodded off.

Afterwards, we had everyone back over for his first party.



Thanks to all family, "family" and friends who came to celebrate Cal's special day with him!

Monday, July 18, 2011

House Update: Painting

Most of the house has been painted now. 

On the outside, the trim and door have been repainted.  The front siding has also been sealed.  Once the shutters are on, the front door will be painted to match them.

On the inside, all the ceilings and most of the rooms, trim and doors have been painted.  What a difference it makes!  Since the lighting (or maybe my camera) aren't that great, I've put descriptions of the colors in.

Entrance Hall (light beige)

Dining Room (light green)

Kitchen looking into family room (bluish - gray)

Family Room (same bluish gray)

Living Room (gray, but we may change this color)

Master Bedroom (off-white)

Nursery (light blue)
Next up... floors will be refinished and stained, tile laid and cabinets put in.

Apartment Update: We're on the Market!

Finally.  After many more months than originally anticipated (you would have thought we would have learned our lesson with the house reno), the apartment is officially on the market.  The walls and ceilings were skimmed, sanded, re-plastered and re-painted, the kitchen was gutted and outfitted with new cabinets, countertop and sink/faucet, the floors were redone and the bathroom was partially re-tiled and repainted.

I don't really have much in the way of before pictures, but here are the actual pictures from the listing:

Kitchen and breakfast bar

Living room/kitchen


Summertime is traditionally a slow time for real estate, but now we just keep our fingers crossed and see what happens.