Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Milestone Alert: Cal is Sitting!

Cal just started sitting on his own!  For the last few weeks he's been able to "tripod" sit by leaning forward and putting his hands on the ground or by holding his feet.  But it's as if a light suddenly went off in his head and he just started sitting independently.

This has opened a whole new world for Cal as both hands are now free to play with toys.

And it's a good thing, because Cal is all about playing with toys now.

These are all my toys.  Mine mine mine.

Of course, the Exersaucer is still a major source of entertainment for Cal.


Cal has also been trying new solid foods every few days.  Besides the rice cereal, he has also had carrots and avocados, though he's still not sure what to make of it...

What's the big deal?  I got this eating thing down.
I'm a little suspicious that what I'm eating is not what you're eating
We'll continue to explore new foods.  I'm sure we're in for lots of interesting expressions!

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