Monday, July 11, 2011

Random Pics and Video: 7/11/11

Our little boy is getting bigger every day, and he's getting better at standing.  We recently took a picture of him and Tim which reminded me of a similar picture taken almost exactly 4 months ago (when Cal was 2 months old):


Cal is all about playing with toys right now, though it seems the object of every game is just to see how much of it he can shove in his mouth and then he just gums it endlessly.  "Toys", of course, are really just any object within reach.  He got his hands on this water bottle and was completely fascinated by it:

And before I get flooded with emails and comments, this whole thing was supervised and we realized that the cap was a choking hazard and removed it right after these pictures were taken.

It's been difficult to capture video of Cal as he seems to have found the need to explore everything and has gotten very fidgety.  Two weekends ago while we were in Edison, my brother Joe finally got some video of him.  Click on the link to see!

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