Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 6 Months!

Over the Fourth of July weekend, Cal turned 6 months old.

We had a nice, relaxing long weekend.  We went on a short hike at the Celery Farm, which for non-native Ridgewood folks, is a small nature preserve that has nothing to do with celery or farming.

Great-Grandma Bridget (GG) visited:

It seems like only yesterday that we brought Cal home from the hospital.  He was so tiny and fragile, and all he did was eat, poop and sleep.  But Cal is quickly becoming a little boy.

He is now very interactive, rolls over, plays on his tummy, sits for very short periods and is interested in seeing, touching and grabbing (and then putting in his mouth) everything.  

Cal is also totally obsessed with bouncing right now.  The Exersaucer wasn't quite enough, so one of Nana's friends very generously lent us a jumpy seat:

Official stats from today's checkup:
     Weight: 18 lbs, 5 oz. (75th percentile)
     Height: 26.5 inches (50th - 75th percentile)
     Head: 45 cm (75th percentile)

Also from today's checkup - we have the go ahead to start him on solid foods.  Cal has been sitting in a highchair at the kitchen table for awhile now, but for the last couple weeks he has been intently interested in us eating.  This should be interesting!

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