Tuesday, May 10, 2011

4 Month Checkup

Ding Ding Ding!

In one corner we have Newborn Cal, weighing in at 6 lb, 9 oz., length 19 inches, head circumference 13.5 inches.  25th percentile all around.

In the other corner, we have 4-month old Cal, now officially weighing in at 15 lb, 12 oz., length 25.5 inches, head circumference 16.7 inches.  That puts his head in the 50th percentile and height and weight in the 75th percentile!

He certainly has come a long way since those early days when we were so worried about his weight.  I guess it helps when you eat like a maniac every 2 hours.  Way to go Cal!

The pediatrician said that Cal was now old enough to start using his Exersaucer.  He took to it right away:

What Cal doesn't know yet is that the doctor also gave us the okay to start sleep training him.  The countdown to Ferberization begins...


  1. Oh no! Whos going to Ferberize? I heard usually only one of the parents is strong enough.... You or Tim? Yikes!

  2. There's only one way to find out! My plan is to put plenty of doors between us and to have a strong alcoholic beverage on hand.
