Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy belated Mother's Day to all the mothers and mothers-to-be out there. Too bad Cal didn't seem to get the memo, as he decided to welcome our first Mother's Day by getting up at 4am and not only refusing to go back to sleep, but angrily protesting anything but being walked and rocked. Sometimes I feel like I'm being hazed into the Mommy Club.

It was otherwise a wonderful, relaxing weekend, with beautiful weather.  On Saturday, we visited Grandma and Grandpa Wu in Edison.  Now that we're spending more time outdoors, Cal will be wearing a hat a lot more:

with Gong Gong

with Pwo Pwo
 On Sunday, we were in Ridgewood with Nana, Poppy and GG (Great Grandma Bridget).

with GG

with Nana

Four generations
And, of course, with his Mommy:

But the best Mother's Day gift was at the end of the night.  Cal had his first laugh!   He has consistently been squealing, cooing and babbling, but hearing him laugh was a real delight.  Hopefully I can capture it on video soon!

P.S. We didn't forget that Reyna was a mother.  She got a slider for dinner :)

1 comment:

  1. Great photos!!!! Can't wait to see you all this weekend and next weekend - wahoo for spending some QT together!
