Wednesday, May 18, 2011

GPS: A Love/Hate Relationship

Have you ever seen that episode of The Office when Michael blindly follows the GPS into a lake?  Sometimes I wonder how I would get anywhere without it.  Then there are times like this past weekend.

Tim and I were furniture shopping, and attempted to make one last stop at a Pottery Barn.  We already had a long day, and Cal was nearing his limit, so we wanted to just get there to check out a table and get home.  It was only about 15 minutes away in a giant mall.  No problem right?  Except when suddenly the nice GPS lady stoped talking and all we got was this:


Closeup: What are you supposed to do with this?

My only explanation is that there must be little elves in our GPS that like to mess around with us for laughs.  They're probably the same ones that steal socks from the dryer...

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